Blueberry Leaf Benefits

Blueberry Leaf Powder Capsules & Blueberry Leaf Tincture

500mg/240 capsules
Made by hand, fresh from our own, pure, blueberry leaves.


The Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry published results of a study titled “Oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC*) and phenolic anthocyanin concentrations in fruit and LEAF TISSUES of highbush blueberry.” They discovered that Blueberry leaf is loaded with 31 times more anthocyanins and antioxidant than the blueberry fruit itself. Studies published on the health benefits of Blueberry Leaf found the following in their antioxidant levels:

  • Blueberry FRUIT contains: 15.9 ORAC Antioxidant Levels
  • Blueberry LEAF contains: 490.0 ORAC Antioxidant Levels

Clinical trials have shown that Blueberry Leaf may be capable of benefiting:

  • Lowers blood sugar on an average of 26%.*
  • Contains excellent anti-inflammatory properties.*
  • Assist and stop damage to the blood vessels sometimes caused by diabetes. Stopping the damage to the blood vessels leading to the retina is one such example. Properly managed blood sugar levels help diabetics ensure a healthy heart and protect against many chronic health conditions such as, neuropathy and retinopathy.*
  • Cancer. Blueberries Leaves are incredibly high in the phenolic compounds found in the antioxidant anthocyanins which gives them a significantly greater ability to counteract damaging free radicals. The antioxidants work to keep cancers and other diseases at bay. Blueberry has been studied and has shown to be helpful in treating cancers and slow the growth of cervical cancer, cancer of the prostate, breast cancer and colon cancer. Blueberry’s antioxidant compound blocks metabolic pathways that can lead to cancer.*
  • Lowers plasma triglycerides on an average of 39% that lead to high cholesterol and heart disease.*
  • Help relieve internal inflammation, which is linked to cardiovascular disease.*
  • Relieve inflammation and reduce irritation caused by eczema. Blueberry Leaf is an excellent natural remedy for eczema because the leaves contain chlorogenic acids that stop germs from spreading. Skin damage by eczema it makes it easier to get an infection. By blocking external irritants and diseases, this gives the skin a chance to repair itself. Eventually, you will see a reduction of inflammation and redness, and the itching will subside.*
  • Improves Memory. The antioxidant properties in Blueberry Leaf are believed to combat age-related loss of brain function. They show promise in the treatment of short-term memory loss and loss of balance. Blueberry leaf has the ability to enhance dopamine levels, which enables smooth, controlled movements as well as, efficient memory, attention and problem-solving functions. It’s thought to be beneficial for treating Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and age-related mental decline. Research suggests Blueberry Leaf may protect the brain against mental illnesses, as well as damage caused by stroke.*
  • Lowers Blood Pressure. Blueberry Leaf neutralizes free radicals that are associated with increased risk of high blood pressure.*
  • Reduces Inflammation related to cardiovascular disease.*
  • Hepatitis C. Blueberry Leaf may help fight hepatitis C, according to a new study. Researchers found that extremely high levels of the antioxidant proanthocyanidins are found to block the replication of the hepatitis C virus. A highly infectious disease, hepatitis attacks the liver and can lead to liver cancer, liver failure or cirrhosis (a potentially fatal scarring of the liver).*
    Eyesight. The flavonoid in Blueberry Leaf is also used to strengthen the capillaries in the eyes and is said to decrease eyestrain and improve eyesight. Cataracts and glaucoma, ulcers, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and diarrhea.*
  • UTI’s. Blueberry is also said to support good urinary tract health and appears to reduce the occurrence of bladder and kidney infections. The proanthocyanidins prevent harmful bacteria from adhering to the walls of the urinary tract. Blueberry Leaf is indicated in conditions where there is weakness or loss of tone of the uterus. It eases cramps of suppressed periods and the pain associated with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), fibroids and may be used in false labor pain or threatened miscarriage. During labor itself, Blueberry Leaf eases delivery. It has a tonic effect on the uterus and fallopian tubes and increases uterine muscle tone.*

*Disclaimer: The information presented by Blueberry Hills Farms, LLC on this website at, is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA or USDA. These statements are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before adding anything to an already healthy diet and lifestyle, please consult with your own health care provider.